Saturday, October 07, 2006

Fasting in Ramadhan, without Syaiton, with kolak

Dont day dream!!
Ramadhan is coming, together we can make it...!
Really lucky for us to get more shady in all days long
When breakfasting i ussually eat with
my sisters in our lovely bording house.
Begining with something so sweet like "kolak". Its something made from Javanese Sugar, "santan" (water from meat of coconut), some piece of bananas, or cavanas. Alhamdulillah so delicous.
With fasting, I can feel what people out there feel when they are so hungry n thirsty. But, fasting isn't about keep away from meal n drinks, but truely, deeply about keep away from "nafsu".
syaithon is leaving...not distrubing human.
Human is always wanted something in their life.
I can explain as clear as possible, coz....its more than just an explain.
It the way of life, that giuide me to the real life. Both in an empty world an in the end of human life. happy can doing this fast in this year, I hoe can make it next year, next year, next year, forever more till Alloh bringing back my soul. Coz my soul just given by Alloh, Inna Lillahi wa Innaillaihi roji'un...
What will happend, its happend...


I give my best loyalty just for the earth
It’s unmatched than anything else
Although my leaves were withered
Being old
Till really leaving out this beautiful life
My roots will never leave this lovely earth

Even I become so lorn
Without leaves
No flowers or bees
Ain’t nestle or birds
Or anything else

My best loyalty for the earth
Make me dare and fearless to standing here

Till a colourful snow ambroise me
Till a beautiful storm kiss me
Till a kind thunderbolt say hello to me
Till a pretty flood touch me
Till a wonderful earthquake adore me

You can see so clearly this loyalty
Yesterday, today, tomorrow and next
Till them unroot me
How glorious this tree unleaves life..!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By: Santi Vera


LAMA aku terlelap
Setelah sekian LAMA ku puas terjaga
Entah mengapa...
Tiada berapa LAMA pagi menyapa
LAMAkah siangku?” kutanyakan pada kesunyian yang gaduh
LAMA keLAMAan kulupakan apa itu merindu
Pada kebahagiaan LAMA
Pada kenangan LAMA
Telah LAMA aku merindukannya
Bagai makhluk bodoh LAMA menimbang
LAMA ku tertatih
LAMA ku letih
Ku merintih tapi dia membisu sekian LAMA
Berikan aku kesingkatan nyata
’Tuk biaskan kerinduan yang LAMA tersimpan dan terlupa
Padanya seLAMAnya (o)(o)
( ._, )

kampusku rektorat

Salam kenal (siapa aku dah tau kan..)
Salah satu tempat paling menyejukkan bagiku adalah sekitar rektorat UNY.
Kenapa yaaa?
Jelas, itu merupakan wajah UNY.
Awalnya kupikir tempat yg kini kukenal sbg rektorat itu ya... kampus buat kuliaah.
Tapi ternyata nggak juga
Banyak kegiatan yg biasa dilakukan mahasiswa di sekitar tempat itu.
Dari yg akademik atau sekedar ingin mencari suasana segar.
Tempat yg cocok buat berdiskusi berbagai hal yg bermanfaat. (buat apa coba, diskusi yg gak bermanfaat dan gak berpahala).
Anak-anak UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) sering melakukan aktivitasnya disana.
Eh..aku n temen-temen juga lumayan agak sering ke sana buat ngerjain tugas. Soalnya tempatnya dekat dengan Perpustakaan pusat UNY.
Tapi tetep ke perpustakan adalah tujuan utamanya (hehe).
Nih.. aku lagi mengespresikan betapa menyejukkan tempat yg ku maksud tadi....